US: Colorado-based energy company NovoHydrogen plans to establish a hydrogen production facility at the Ash Grove Cement plant near Durkee, Oregon. Funded by the 2021 federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, the plant aims to start producing hydrogen fuel by 2028, according to CEO and founder Matt McMonagle. The hydrogen produced would be stored at the plant to be used to fuel trucks and other vehicles on-site, as well as potentially being used to power the plant. The construction of the plant will reportedly create 50 jobs.

Phillip Teintze, manager at the Durkee plant, said "The Ash Grove Cement Durkee plant is active in many opportunities to decarbonise our industry. Solutions for low carbon cement manufacturing are significantly challenging in terms of processes and expense. The Durkee plant is excited to see the development of NovoHydrogen’s efforts with the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub. As hydrogen becomes environmentally and economically viable, we believe our facility could act as a distribution site, and potentially utilise hydrogen as a fuel to displace traditional fossil fuels.”