Global CemFuels Awards
The Global CemFuels Awards will be presented at the CemFuels Awards Dinner
Awards rules
- Nominations are made online by industry participants. Categories may vary slightly from year to year. Nominators are requested to include a 'citation' of up to 100 words, explaining why they believe the nominated entity deserves to win. These citations may be edited and may be included on the voting web site. The organisers will not write such a citation if one is absent from the nomination.
- After nominations are closed, a shortlist for each category will be drawn up of the most nominated companies. Nominations are announced via the Global Cement LinkedIn group and via emails to Global Cement's alternative fuels database.
- All participants in the global cement and lime industry, and in the alternative fuels industry, are eligible to vote.
- Once shortlisted, companies are allowed to encourage their customers to vote for them.
- Although companies may nominate themselves, companies are not permitted to vote for themselves - all such votes in the relevant category will be discarded.
- The judging panel reserves the right to include in the final voting round and/or judging round, any deserving companies, projects, technologies and products that have not been nominated.
- Companies indulging in low-down dirty tricks will be disqualified.
- The judges' decision is final.
- Entry is free.
Winners 2024
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: Irish Cement
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: WKE - N+P Group
Outstanding alternative fuel project: Mannock - FLSmidth FuelFlex pyrolyser project
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: Molinari MT-Series 'hollow-rotor' single shaft shredder
Outstanding contribution for the promotion of AF: Alterline
Global Fuels Personalities of the Year: Matthias Schumacher, aixprocess GmbH; Guiseppina Carnimeo, Ecopneus Scpa; Marco Egger, Lindner Recyclingtech GmbH; Clelia Di Matteo, Di Matteo Group; Paul Brown, Global Cement
Winners 2023
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: OYAK Çimento
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: WKE - Waste Knot Energy
Outstanding alternative fuel project: ATS feeding and dosing line at MEDCEM
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: A TEC Rocket Mill
Outstanding contribution for the promotion of AF: Türkçimento
Global Fuels Personalities of the Year: Karel Jennissen, N+P International; Enrique Rozas, Drake Cement; Michael Suppaner, A TEC
Winners 2022
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: Heidelberg Materials
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: Vanheede Alternative Fuels
Outstanding alternative fuel project: Çimsa Çimento's Mersin AF project
Alternative fuel project manager of the year: Stéphane Poellaer, Alterline
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: SICK MCS100FT continuous emissions monitoring system
Outstanding contribution for the promotion of AF: aixergee, part of the Loesche Group
Global Fuels Personalities of the Year: Xavier d'Hubert of XDH energy; Luigi Di Matteo of Di Matteo Förderanlagen; and Luis Realista of Portuguese AF-provider AVE
Awards not presented in 2021 due to Covid pandemic
Winners 2020
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: HeidelbergCement
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: Geocycle
Outstanding alternative fuel project: Vassiliko Cement, Cyprus
Alternative fuel project manager of the year: George Americanos, Enerco Energy Recovery Ltd
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: Dex Drive, by Lindner
Outstanding contribution for the promotion of AF: VDZ
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Majed Alosailan of City Cement Company, Saudi Arabia
Winners 2019
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: HeidelbergCement
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: N&P (Netherlands)
Outstanding alternative fuel project: Lafarge Cement's Kujawy plant, with Lindner Recyclingtech
Alternative fuel project manager of the year: George Americanos, Enerco Energy Recovery Ltd
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: SICK SCP3000/MCS300P hot wet kiln inlet process gas analyser system
Outstanding contribution for the promotion of AF: Combined World Bank/Government of Vietnam team working on use of hazardous waste as alternative fuels for cement
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Andy Hill, Cynosure Partners Ltd
Winners 2018
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: CRH
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: N&P (Netherlands)
Outstanding alternative fuel project: Vassiliko Cement and N+P for SubCoal-burning project in Cyprus
Alternative fuel project manager of the year: Samuel Zühlsdorf of thyssenkrupp
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: Molinari TP series shredder
Outstanding contribution for the promotion of AF: Cembureau
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Con Manias of FCT, Australia
Winners 2017
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: Lindner-Recyclingtech’s Polaris single-shaft shredder
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: HeidelbergCement
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: N&P (Netherlands)
Outstanding alternative fuel project: HeidelbergCement’s Lengfurt cement plant, Germany
Alternative fuel project manager of the year: Marco Mater of AVE, Portugal
Outstanding contribution for the promotion of AF: CEMA Foundation of Spain
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Sebastian Rosin of Atritor Ltd
Winners 2016
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: Lindner-Recyclingtech’s shredders
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: LafargeHolcim
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: N&P (Netherlands)
Outstanding alternative fuel project: Cemex/SUEZ for the Malpass Farm project
Alternative fuel project manager of the year: Frederico Contente of Masias, Spain
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Jan Theulen (HeidelbergCement)
Winners 2015
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: Putzmeister Solid Pumps
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: Cemex
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: N&P (Netherlands)
Outstanding alternative fuel project: Slite Cement, Cementa - HeidelbergCement (burning AF beyond 60% TSR with imported materials)
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Ted T. Reese (Cadence Environmental Energy)
Winners 2014
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: RDF Compact Plant, Lindner
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: Cemex
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: Eco-Processa (Brazil)
Outstanding alternative fuel project: Carmeuse Lime & Stone, Grand River Project (suppliers included Schenck Process, Keith Walking Floor, Process Plus, SMP Welding, KFS and fuel supplier Vexor)
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Ed Verhamme (Alternate Resource Partners)
Winners 2013
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: FCT's Lofting Air Technology
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: Cemex
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: SITA UK Ltd
Outstanding alternative fuel project: Akçansa Büyükçekmece burner modification by FCT
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Neville Roberts (Cemex)
Winners 2012
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: KHD Combustion Chamber
Alternative fuels-using company of the year: Cemex
Alternative fuels supplier of the year: CBR/Sita Recyfuel joint-venture
Outstanding alternative fuel project: Continental Cement of Hannibal, Missouri, and Green America Recycling company
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Dirk Lechtenberg
Winners 2011
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: Air Products Mixing Air
Alternative fuels company of the year: HeidelbergCement
Global Fuels equipment supplier of the year: WTW Handling
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Alexander Koshi
Winners 2010
Outstanding alternative fuel project (cement or lime company): Lehigh Cement's Union Bridge plant (biofuels project)
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: Cadence Environmental Solutions: Mixing Air
Outstanding electrical energy efficiency project (cement or lime company): Cemex's EURUS wind power project (Mexico)
Alternative fuels company of the year: Vexor - for Vexor Engineered Fuel
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Michael Blumenthal, Rubber Manufacturers Assocation
Winners 2009
Outstanding alternative fuel project (cement or lime company): Geocycle's Holly Hill facility
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: Lindner Recyclingtech for its comprehensive range of recycling solutions
Outstanding electrical energy efficiency project (cement or lime company): California Portland Cement's Mojave plant
Most innovative technology for electrical energy efficiency: Airstream Fans for its new fan technology, as applied in recent projects for Titan Cement
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Eric Hansen (of Cadence and Eric Hanson & Associates)
Winners 2008
Outstanding alternative fuel project (cement or lime company): Cemex Deutschland for the Rüdersdorf Cement plant
Most innovative technology for alternative fuel use: FLSmidth for Hotdisc
Most innovative technology for electrical energy efficiency: ABB for Expert Optimizer
Global Fuels Personality of the Year: Professor Fred Lockwood, Cinar/Imperial College