Argentina: Geocycle is working to double the municipal solid waste (MSW) processing capacity of its facility in Yocsina, close to Córdoba, from 50,000t/yr to 100,000t/yr. The subsidiary of Holcim receives waste from surrounding settlements like Piedra Blanca and Villa Carlos Paz. So far in 2023, Holcim Argentina's cement plant kilns are using an average of 13% refuse-derived fuel (RDF), almost twice as much as in 2022.. The company is committed to raising the percentage to 46% by 2026.

"With this station, we are moving forward with more solutions to accompany our clients and strategic partners in meeting their sustainability and circular economy objectives, innovating in the integrated management of waste, recovering it and reinserting it into a new industry that, through our processes, will become part of a new product," commented Christian Dedeu, chief executive officer of Holcim in Argentina.