Switzerland: Switzerland-based ABB is launching the ProKiln inlet gas sampling system to help cement producers reduce the volatility associated with using higher levels of alternative fuels (AF) and allow kilns to run for longer. The product offers probe cleaning with increased mechanical strength, which includes a dual probe retraction system to ensure no sampling interruption.

The supplier says that its product uses an extractive filter in the tip of the probe which separates sample gas from the dust load to reduce problems faced with scaling of material when gathering data. It also uses two air blasters to clean the tip to maintain a sample path for analysis. A three-dimensional printed stainless steel nozzle is intended to ensure that no blockages at the tip of the probe occur and the system is mounted on a buggy running on a retractor which carries the probe in and out of the kiln allowing it to be cleaned automatically. Measuring 3m long, the gas probe is water cooled with an extractive filter placed at the sample and flow is maintained by the blasters. A cooling system also provides recirculating water for temperature control.

The ProKiln has been tested for six months at Holcim’s Lägerdorf site in Germany, a cement plant that has an AF substitution rate of over 80%.