Norway: Geminor has signed a contract with Renovasjon i Grenland to handle and treat 7000t/yr of municipal solid waste (MSW) for two years to 2023 with an option to extend to 2026. The MSW will be transported to Geminor's partner in the project, Bjorstaddalen Næring. This company will process the waste at its Skien plant in Telemark. The plant uses robotic sorters that can perform up to 6000 picks/hr. The unit also uses ‘unique’ sensor technology that enable shape, colour and material identification. This system can also be taught to recognise new fractions.

Bjorstaddalen Næring chief executive officer Sindre Hauen said “Better sorting means better use of materials.” He added “In case of new market opportunities - or even regulations - the system can be taught to recognise new fractions. We want to be in front when it comes to robot sorting, and are constantly looking for better solutions in our waste management.”