New Zealand: Golden Bay Cement has commissioned a waste tyre feeding line at its Golden Bay integrated cement plant in Northland. The producer will cut CO2 emissions by 13,000t/yr by substituting tyres for coal. It will eliminate the 5000t/yr of iron sands used in production and reduce coal use by 15%. The New Zealand government’s Waste Minimisation Fund supplied US$11.2m towards the US$17.5m project.

Government environment minister David Parker told Live News, "This innovative project is a win-win-win for the environment. It reduces a significant waste problem, reuses a valuable resource, and reduces carbon emissions by about 13,000t/yr.” He added that the line, "will divert from landfill or stockpiles about 42% of the estimated 3m waste tyres in Auckland each year. New Zealand needs to address its longstanding problem with waste so we can become the low-waste, low-emissions economy we need to be. "