Netherlands: N+P has reported the successful performance of Subcoal Pulverised Alternative Fuel (PAF) quality, a type of its refuse-derived fuel (RDF) pellet product, in a series of industrial tests at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ (MHI) Research and Innovation Centre. It says the fuel “achieved a stable flame” without support fuel on a 24MW burner. In the tests, Subcoal ground by a vertical roller mill to a fineness of 90% under 3mm, was fed using existing handling systems into the burner at a rate of 4t/hr. The Netherlands-based recycling company says this proves its suitability for 100% substitution of conventional fuels for industrial applications.

N+P has also introduced the PAF grade Subcoal product to some of its clients in the cement and lime sector. It intends to research how these producers can replace the last 10 - 40% of their fossil fuel load. The first trials are expected to be carried out from late 2020.