Namibia: Ohorongo Cement has supported Carbo Namibia, one of its charcoal suppliers, in buying a new 80m3 side tipper truck worth around US$47,000. The move is intended to increase the volumes of charcoal fines the supplier can deliver. The cement producer uses charcoal fines as an alternative fuel at its plant.

It started procuring charcoal fines from Carbo Namibia in 2016 through the Ohorongo Energy for Future (EFF) project. It started with an initial supply of 786t/yr and has since grown to 5000t/yr in 2018, with a total of 11,000t to date. Its overall alternative fuels substitution rate is 42.7% and it has a target of 56% by 2020 and a long-term goal of reaching 80%. At present Ohorongo Cement says that its substitution rate breaks down into 58% woodchips, 28% refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and 14% charcoal.