UK: Tarmac has ordered a solid recovered fuel (SRF) handling system from Saxlund International to increase the capability to utilise alternative fuels at its Dunbar integrated cement plant. The SRF system will be installed in the second half of 2019. It is designed for the reception of trucks and storage of fuel in two bunkers. The new system includes processing of fuel to remove ferrous and oversize particles before weighing and dosing into a pneumatic conveying system for kiln injection. The Dunbar plant will use SRF supplied by Hamilton - Solid Recovered Fuel.

“We are delighted to be involved in the development of this new SRF facility at the Dunbar Cement works. The overall system for the reception, storage and conveying of SRF fuel will help to ensure a highly resilient and robust solution for our client,” said Mark Neal, sales manager at Saxlund International.