UK: Saxlund Group will present a number of case studies covering its experiences supplying alternative fuels and bulk handling systems for cement plants in Europe at the upcoming Global CemFuels Conference taking place in Berlin. Its references include a complete end-to-end solution for one of the UK’s largest cement kilns, incorporating the reception, storage, transportation, screening, weighing and pneumatic injection of solid recovered fuel (SRF). Other project experience includes secondary fuel-handling solutions for CBR Cement in Belgium, plus a refuse-derived fuel (RDF) facility for LafargeHolcim at the company’s plant in Höver, Germany. The company will also be explaining some of the issues encountered when handling modern alternative fuels and how to ensure full plant availability with minimal downtime.

The company will also be explaining its design approach for minimising storage and transfer issues for what can be sticky and challenging materials, including SRF, RDF and other biomass fuels. A key focus will be on activated silo discharge solutions and conveying equipment with an emphasis on ‘First in, first out’ design principles to minimise compaction and material conglomeration. Key technologies covered will include the company’s leading Push Floor and Sliding Frame solutions, bucket elevators and enclosed chain conveyors, plus integrated screening, weighing and dosing solutions.