Ireland: An Bord Pleanala has decided to hold an oral hearing into Irish Cement’s plan to burn up to 0.6Mt/yr of mixed waste as an alternative fuel at its plant in Platin, County Meath. The hearing will take place on 21 November 2017 and local campaigners are hoping that a large number of local residents will turn out to listen to the submissions.

The North East Association of Environmental Groups say that the plans are 'flawed' and need to be critically examined in great detail before any planning permission or license is granted.

In a statement, Irish Cement that it was looking forward to setting out details of the application during the oral hearing. “This project seeks to replace existing fossil fuel use by increasing the quantity and range of alternative fuels used in the cement kilns in Platin,” it said. “This will reduce Platin's dependence on imported fossil fuels, reduce CO2 emissions by up to 0.3Mt/yr and will help recover valuable resources that might otherwise end up in landfill. It will allow Platin to continue to operate competitively and will support existing direct and indirect employment in the cement works.”