Cyprus: N+P International has extended its solid recovered fuel (SRF) supply agreement with Vassiliko Cement to the end of 2020. The deal also includes an option to further extend the agreement to the end of 2022. N+P has been supplying Vassiliko Cement with SRF from the UK and Italy by sea since 2015.

“This contract is the foundation of a long-term cooperation between Vassiliko Cement, Enerco Energy Recovery and N+P. The parties intend to maximise alternative fuel consumption in the Vassiliko Cement plant, to do so parties recently carried out a trial to co-grind N+P’s Subcoal pellets in the plants coal mills. The first results of this trial are looking very promising and further trials will be done the near future. We agreed not to disclose precise contract volumes, but at present >2500t/week of SRF is shipped into Vassiliko Cement,” said a representative of N+P.

Vassiliko Cement plans to reach a 55% substitution rate of alternative fuels by 2020.