Displaying items by tag: Standards
Slovenia: Parliament has voted in favour of legislation requiring limit values for the co-processing of waste, including as alternative fuel (AF) in cement production. The government will now define the limit values based on best available technology standards for incineration. Following the enactment, facilities which co-process waste will have four years in which to comply. Slovenia Times News has reported that the bill came about following campaigning by environmentalist group Eco Anhovo and allied non-governmental organisations. The groups protested against the way AF is used at Salonit Anhovo’s 1Mt/yr Anhovo cement plant in Nova Gorica Municipality.
Salonit Anhovo chair Tomaž Vuk said “To protect more than 800 direct and indirect jobs and the interests of us and our business partners, we will use all means to provide for further development and business operations.”
Germany: Bilfinger, the civil and industrial construction specialist, is working with the American-based PRTI, whose thermal decomposition technology processes tyres into fuel. The aim of the partnership is to align PRTI’s tyre processors with Dutch safety and environmental standards, making them useable for waste processors and cement companies anywhere in the European Union.