Displaying items by tag: Mexico
Mexico: Regenera, a subsidiary of Cemex, has launched a pilot project at its Broquers Ambiental plant in Querétaro to transform the city’s organic waste into alternative fuel using a drying process known as ‘biosecado’. This initiative makes Querétaro the first zero waste municipality in Mexico, according to the company. The plant now processes almost 90% of the municipality’s waste, transforming over 8000t monthly into biomass to reduce the amount of material sent to landfill.
Vice president of urban solutions at Cemex Mexico, Antonio Balmori, said "This project that we started today at our Broquers Ambiental plant excites me very much because it will take the city of Querétaro to the next level in waste management, where we will seek to take advantage of 100% of the urban solid waste generated in the municipality."
Cemex uses 37% alternative fuel globally in 2023
25 March 2024Mexico: Cemex said in its Integrated Report 2023 that its alternative fuel (AF) substitution rate rose to 37% in 2023. The group attributed the rise to its deployment of hydrogen injection technology.
Cemex said “We continued our global roll-out of hydrogen injection technology, and it's now used in half of our cement plants. In Mexico alone, we made sizeable investments installing new hydrogen units and plan to continue scaling hydrogen use in our operations worldwide.”
Mexico: Geocycle Mexico has installed a new crusher at its Macuspana waste management plant in Tabasco. The alternative fuels (AF) supplier says that the expansion will help it to reduce cement plants in Southeast Mexico’s reliance on fossil fuels.
Geocycle Mexico director Oscar Rivas said "The crusher will significantly increase our ability to solve major waste management challenges in the region, and will allow us to produce a useful resource from different types of waste. He continued “Once crushed and formulated, they can be used in the cement manufacturing process, avoiding their burial and thus contributing to decarbonisation efforts in the region."
Cemex Mexico’s Puebla cement plant sets Latin American eight-month AF substitution record
02 October 2023Mexico: Cemex Mexico’s Puebla cement plant directly prevented 55,300t-worth of CO2 emissions through alternative fuel (AF) substitution during the first eight months of 2023. RSS News has reported the facility recorded the highest alternative fuel (AF) substitution rate anywhere in Latin America. When factoring in its removal of landfill-associated CO2 emissions, this gives the Puebla plant’s cement a carbon footprint of 400kg/t. Cemex is committed to reducing its specific emissions to 430kg/t of cement globally by 2030.
Cemex Mexico exceeds Mexico’s 2030 alternative fuel target
24 August 2023Mexico: Cemex Mexico subsitituted 36% of it cement fuel with alternative fuel (AF) in 2022. This exceeds the Mexican cement industry’s target for 2030, of 32%. Mexico Business News has reported that the producer used 1.05Mt of AF across its operations. This reduced its CO2 emissions by 1.8Mt, and prevented 850,000t of methane emissions from being generated in landfill. Cemex Mexico’s Huichapan cement plant in Hidalgo set the company record for the year, with 207,000t of AF co-processed in its cement production. It produced 3.2Mt of cement for the Bajio, Central, Central-North, Laguna and Southeast Mexico markets.
Sustainability Manager Carlos Medina said "Last year’s results motivate us to intensify our efforts and uphold good practices that benefit communities and the environment. We will keep promoting environmentally friendly solutions in all our operations, as we are convinced that all social actors must collaborate to lay the foundations for a better future."
Mexico: Geocycle Mexico aims to process 1Mt of industrial and urban waste into alternative fuel (AF) for use in Holcim Mexico's cement plants in 2023. The El Economista newspaper has reported that the company processed 600,000t-worth of waste in 2022. Geocycle Mexico says that it has helped to raise Holcim Mexico's AF substitution rate to 25%.
The supplier said "Latin America is the region that recycles the least in the world. According to the World Bank, less than 5% of the real capacity we have is recovered. That is why, for 30 years, we have sought to solve this problem by integrating waste into Holcim's production process."
Mexico: Cemex's waste management subsidiary Regenera has signed a deal with the municipal council of Huajuapan de León to receive the latter's sorted non-recyclable municipal solid waste (MSW). Under the deal, Regenera will receive up to 6000t/yr of MSW, which it will supply to Cemex's Tepeaca cement plant in Puebla.
Cemex launches waste management subsidiary Regenera
27 January 2023Mexico: Cemex has launched its global waste management subsidiary Regenera. Regenera will be involved in the reception, management, recycling and coprocessing three major waste streams: municipal and industrial waste, construction, demolition and excavation waste (CDEW) and industrial by-products. It will tie in with Cemex’s own cement sustainability initiatives, for instance in its supply of waste recovered from the River Nile to Cemex Egypt’s Assiut cement plant for co-processing as alternative fuel (AF).
Mexico: Cemex Mexico plans to install hydrogen injection systems at four cement plants across Mexico. The producer will use the technology to increase alternative fuel (AF) substitution at the plants by 8 - 10%. A 40% reduction in Scope 3 purchased fuel emissions forms part of Cemex's 2020 -2030 CO2 emissions reduction strategy. Through the decarbonisation and circular economy pillars of its Future in Action plan, the group aims to become carbon neutral by 2050.
Cemex Mexico president Ricardo Naya said "Hydrogen is a key technology to accelerate the implementation of our climate action roadmap."
The El Financiero newspaper has reported that Cemex set a new group record AF substitution rate of 34% in September 2022. It uses hydrogen at all of its European cement plants and at one plant in the Dominican Republic.
Mexico: Cemex reported 29% alternative fuel (AF) substitution in its global operations in 2021, according to its Integrated Report for the year. The report stated that the group reduced its CO2 emissions per tonne of cementitious material by 4.7% year-on-year.