Displaying items by tag: KHD
Portugal: Cimpor Portugal has signed a contract with Germany-based KHD Humboldt Wedag (KHD) for an upgrade to production line 7 at its Alhandra cement plant. The project is intended to increase the production capacity at the plant to 3600t/day from 3000t/day and increase the line’s alternative fuels thermal substitution rate to over 80%. It will also be the first installation of KHD’s Pyrorotor alternative fuel combustion reactor in the country.
The scope of the engineering and supply contract comprises:
- New HKSK 224/335 preheater ID fan
- New downcomer duct
- New preheater with 8064/5-type HEM cyclones
- Pyroclon R calciner with Pyrotop mixing chamber. The Pyroclon R will utilize fine refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and natural gas
- 4m x 10m Pyrorotor alternative fuel combustion reactor
- Pyrobox coal firing system for process start-up and operation balancing
- Shortening of the existing kiln and installation of new kiln inlet chamber with bypass extraction
- New kiln drive station 2 (the existing girth gear and two pinions will be reused)
- New kiln hood and take-off of tertiary air from the cooler roof
- New main kiln burner designed to use more than 50% alternative fuels (but will also be capable of burning natural gas, as well as liquid fossil and alternative fuels)
- New Pyrofloor PFC²829AW cooler with a Pyrocrusher PRC 420-3ES clinker crusher.
KHD will also be supplying its KHD ProMax software product as part of the project.
Matthias Mersmann, chief technology officer at KHD, said “The decision by Cimpor Portugal to opt for KHD pyroprocessing equipment - and especially the Pyrorotor - underlines the leading market position of KHD, as well as the outstanding capability of KHD’s unique alternative fuel-processing solution.”
Project execution will be led by KHD Germany, with support from Humboldt Wedag India and the Turkish branch office of Humboldt Wedag. Commissioning of the upgraded production line is scheduled for 2025.
Halla Cement awards upgrade project to KHD
30 August 2022South Korea: Halla Cement has awarded a supply and engineering contract to Germany-based KHD Humboldt Wedag for an upgrade of line 2 at Okke plant. KHD will supply a new Pyroclon R type calciner, with a Pyrotop type mixing chamber, and a 4.2m x 15m Pyrorotor type combustion reactor. Other equipment being provided includes: a Pyrobox type coal firing system for process start-up and operation balancing; replacement of stage five cyclones with new high-efficiency cyclones; and a new kiln inlet chamber with orifice. Erection and commissioning of the modernised production line is scheduled for the first quarter of 2024.
This latest project marks the second installation of a Pyrorotor at Halla Cement’s Okke plant. The installation of line 3 at the site is currently ongoing with commissioning scheduled for the first quarter of 2023. Overall, this will be KHD’s ninth installation of a Pyrorotor in South Korea.
The Pyrorotor has been promoted to cement plants as a way of using low-quality alternative fuels with minimal pre-processing. It offers a thermal substitution rate of over 85% and will also allow the Okke plant to reduce its NOx emissions. The installation of the new Pyroclon R type calciner and the high-efficiency cyclones in the lowest preheater stages will also provide the production line with an increase in efficiency due to an overall pressure drop reduction in the entire preheater.
KÇS Kipaş Çimento orders Pyrorotor from KHD Humboldt Wedag
17 August 2022Turkey: KÇS Kipaş Çimento has placed an order with KHD Humboldt Wedag for a Pyrorotor for its Kahramanmaraş cement plant. The supplier says that the equipment will enable the plant's calciner to achieve an alternative fuel (AF) substitution rate of 90%. It will additionally restrict NOx emissions to 800mg/Nm3. After a short shutdown for assemblage of gas duct connections, KHD expects to commission the upgraded system in mid-to-late 2023.
The company says that the KÇS Kipaş Çimento contract represents its 11th Pyrorotor order globally and the first in Turkey.
Austria: Rohrdorfer Group has awarded an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract to Humboldt Wedag, a subsidiary of KHD, for the modernisation of the kiln line at its cement plant operations in Gmunden. The upgrade will enable the flexible usage of a wide range of waste fractionally pre-treated derived fuels on a high substitution rate.
The modernisation project comprises the design and supply of KHD’s world´s first ever Pyrorotor Cacliner Technology, as well as the replacement of the existing satellite cooler with a new generation Pyrofloor PFC2 clinker cooler. The existing three station rotary kiln will be fitted with a new kiln drive and a new kiln hood as well as kiln inlet and outlet.
With the installation of the new Pyrorotor Cacliner Technology from KHD the Gmunden plant will be able to burn very coarse waste derived fuels including whole rubber tires, which will lead to drastically reduced requirements in regard to waste pre-treatment. Therefore, the kiln modification will also emphasise on pollutant emission reduction.
The contract includes: three new preheater cyclones; a new preheater ID-fan; a tertiary air duct; a Pyrotop compact calciner mixing chamber; Pyrorotor Calciner burning chamber technology, a Pyroclon Calciner Burning System; a new kiln bypass unit; a multi-fuel Pyro-Jet kiln burner for primary and secondary fuels; a new kiln drive and kiln hood; a Pyrofloor PFC2 clinker cooler equipped with a Pyrocrusher roller type clinker crusher; and Simulex plant simulation software.
KHD services include the dismantling of existing equipment parts as well as the engineering, design, supply and erection of new equipment including commissioning services. Commissioning of the new system is scheduled for April 2019.