Displaying items by tag: Export
Iceland: Norway-based Geminor and recycling company Islenska Gamafélagid plan to raise their exports of refuse to 25,000t/yr and to begin exporting new fractions of refuse. This expansion builds on a collaboration launched by the companies in 2020 to redirect materials from Icelandic landfills to waste-to-energy plants elsewhere in Northern Europe.
Geminor’s senior operations associate Helga Eggertsdottir said “Europe – and therefore also Iceland – is phasing out landfill, and therefore Icelandic waste will need better sorting. Limited domestic capacity for recycled resources means that the need for export will increase. This growing stream is made possible due to the substantial capacity of returning container transport from Iceland. The alliance between Geminor and Islenska Gamafélagid will continue to leverage Icelandic ‘waste’ as a resource, optimising the environmental and economic benefits of recycling. This cooperation is therefore reinforcing the commitment of both companies for a more sustainable waste management industry.”
UK: Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and solid recovered fuel (SRF) exports from the UK were 1.6Mt in the financial year which ended on 31 March 2022, down by 2.3% year-on-year from 2021 financial year levels. Waste management consultant Footprint Services reported that March 2022 RDF and SRF exports were 136,000t, down by 23% year-on-year from 176,000t in March 2021. Geminor exported 29,200t of RDF and SRF during the month, constituting a 22% market share. Its full-year exports in the 2022 financial year were 280,000t.
Geminor UK country manager James Maiden forecast that the decline in UK RDF and SRF exports is beginning to level off at a volume between 1Mt/yr and 1.5Mt/yr from the 2023 financial year.
Untha signs distribution agreement with Axia
07 October 2021Japan: Austria-based Untha has awarded an exclusive distribution agreement in Japan to Axia. The distributor has taken delivery of a mobile Untha XR shredder for use as a demonstration unit at its customer sites and ordered six more models.
Axia CEO Kazunori Kawata said “China’s ban on waste plastic imports means Japan has sharpened up on its domestic recycling capabilities. The introduction of Untha’s engineering experience will really disrupt the market. Operators are starting to think differently about machine reliability, throughputs and lifecycle costs. As a nation, we must increase our productivity and capacity, and we need a different class of machine to be able to do this – one that is highly configurable, versatile and built to last. Output precision is also crucial.” He added “If Japan is to enhance its commitment to the environment, it is important that we seek to use energy efficient technologies within our waste and recycling facilities. Renowned globally for using 75% less energy than competitors’ diesel-hydraulic machines, the Untha XR shredder doesn’t just improve the net carbon impact of the process – it keeps fuel costs low, too. Some customers have been known to save US$135,000/yr in fuel costs alone.”
UK: Andusia has exported 1.6Mt of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and solid-recovered fuel (SRF) since its foundation in early 2012. The company said that the waste has not only been diverted from UK landfill but has generated power for people in northern mainland Europe. Exports rose following the lift of Covid-19 trade restrictions. Andusia added that it has since then secured several new contracts.
UK: Andusia says that a Covid-19 decline in waste produced by the UK is at an end, and has predicted the start of growth in the near term future. The waste management company said that major factors for growth will be the continuation of office work, the end of hospitality restrictions and the recovery of public confidence in consumption.
In 2020, commercial and industrial waste generation fell by 50% year-on-year, while municipal waste rose by 20%. Exports of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) fell by 37% during the year.
Alternative fuel shipment blocked in Port of Salerno
06 April 2021Italy: Port authorities at the Port of Salerno have blocked a shipment to Tunisia consisting of 600 containers of municipal waste after reporting ‘serious’ concerns with the consignment. The Agency Tunis Afrique Press has reported that the waste was bound for a cement plant to make alternative fuels. The Tunisian National Chamber of Cement Producers is in the process of challenging the move. The import of alternative fuels from Italy had previously been authorised by the Ministry of Local Affairs and Environment, through the National Agency for Environmental Protection.
Geminor France begins solid recovered fuel exports to Spain
29 January 2021France: Norway-based Geminor subsidiary Geminor France has dispatched a truckload of solid recovered fuel (SRF) to a cement plant in Spain. The SRF is made from wood and textile foam from used furniture. The company says that the delivery is the first of continual 100t/week of exports to the producer. It is also exporting waste-derived fuels from France to other countries in Europe including Denmark.
Senior account and development manager Kai Schöpwinkel said, “There is a positive development at the moment in regards to better collecting and sorting of French waste. Now there is a focus on increasing the combustion capacity for energy recovery, and new waste-to-energy plants are being developed. Stricter requirements from the Government and the European Union (EU) also give incentives to develop high-quality fractions such as SRF based on furniture. The goal is to reduce landfill by 50% by the end of 2025, which will also make France into a growing market for export.” He added, “Covid-19 is leading to a waste deficit in the European market, which is now contributing to the opening of new waste streams from France. We believe this is just the beginning of a growing waste export from this country.”
RDF Industry Group launches coronavirus crisis response
17 April 2020UK: RDF Industry Group has convened a refuse-derived fuel (RDF) industry working group to meet on a fortnightly basis to discuss the sectoral impacts of coronavirus. The Group said that it ‘is working with competent authorities to ensure the free flow of RDF is maintained.’ It acknowledged that RDF supply is essential to European cement production, adding, “The flow of RDF from the UK to off-take facilities in Europe is continuing, with the industry overall functioning well.”
Andusia abstains from pandemic panic
19 March 2020UK: Alternative fuels producer Andusia has said that the coronavirus has yet to impact upon the trade of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) in and out of Europe. It says it is monitoring the situation and will keep customers updated. “No change to service is anticipated,” said Andusia. “There are no border restrictions to trade and it is business as usual.”
English refuse-derived fuel exports decline by 13% to 2.71Mt in 2019
12 February 2020UK: Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) exports from England to decline by 13% to Europe fell by 13.4% year-on-year to 2.71Mt in 2019 from 3.09Mt in 2018. Waste recovery company Germinor reported the results of the survey from Footprint Services, which uses UK Environment Agency data. However, the report also said that exports of solid-recovered fuel (SRF) grew by 4%.
According to the Environment Agency data, the Netherlands remains the biggest importer of English waste-derived fuels (RDF and SRF), with 1.16Mt and 43% of the market in 2019. Sweden is the second biggest offtaker nation with 0.6Mt, followed by Germany at 0.4Mt and Denmark at 0.14Mt and Norway at 0.14Mt.
Geminor said that it led the list of waste-derived fuels exporters in 2019 with 0.31Mt in 2019. Biffa Waste Services was the second biggest exporter, followed by SUEZ UK and N&P Alternative Fuels.
Its UK country manager James Maiden said that 2019 was a challenging market for UK export, mostly due to issues surrounding Brexit, the Dutch temporary import restrictions and an increase in UK domestic capacity and facilities. He expected these conditions to continue into 2020, where the Dutch and Swedish tax announcements will impact on UK flows. Maiden said that the English export market is decreasing but that Geminor was balanced this with additional export volumes transported from Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland and internal UK flows.