Displaying items by tag: Emissions
Spain: Cemex España has secured Euro4.4m in EU funding for an upgrade to its Alicante cement plant in Valencia. The project will launch the use of Clyngas synthetic gas as alternative fuel (AF) at the plant. Thermochemical conversion specialist WtEnergy, a subsidiary of Cemex Ventures, will supply the syngas. The partners say that this upgrade will reduce CO2 emissions by 400,000t per decade.
Parent company Cemex said "This project is part of Cemex’s Future in Action programme, which seeks to achieve sustainable excellence through climate action, circularity and natural resource management, with the primary objective of becoming a net-zero CO2 company."
Egypt: Heidelberg Materials subsidiary Suez Cement has invested US$16m in upgrading its operations towards increased alternative fuel (AF) use since 2010. The producer uses AF in the burners and kilns of all three of its cement plants, at Helwan, Kattameya and Suez. Meanwhile, Suez Cement has invested US$60m in dust control measures over the same period. Other on-going investments include US$25m in the construction of a waste heat recovery (WHR) plant at the Helwan cement plant. The company is committed to reaching a 24% reduction in its CO2 emissions between 2019 and 2030.
Technical director Omar Khorshid said “We are committed to pursue initiatives to broaden our range of innovative and eco-friendly building solutions, advance operational efficiency through digitalisation and strengthen customer engagement for better business results and more positive impact."
Dangote Cement to use biofuels at Ibese cement plant
27 February 2023Nigeria: Dangote Cement plans to upgrade its Ibese cement plant in order to use biofuels in its cement production. The Nigerian Guardian newspaper has reported that the plant will receive a pneumatic feeding system for the kiln of its Line 2. Dangote Cement plans to use palm kernel shells, rice husks, coconut shells and sugarcane bagasse, along with sawdust. The producer says that this will reduce its CO2 emissions by 5.2% and help to divert local agricultural waste from incineration.
Project head Sumaila Muhammed said “We carried out alternative fuel resource mapping within our host communities. We decided to collect these wastes and convert them into valuable energy resources as smokeless, renewable biofuel."
Mexico: Cemex Mexico plans to install hydrogen injection systems at four cement plants across Mexico. The producer will use the technology to increase alternative fuel (AF) substitution at the plants by 8 - 10%. A 40% reduction in Scope 3 purchased fuel emissions forms part of Cemex's 2020 -2030 CO2 emissions reduction strategy. Through the decarbonisation and circular economy pillars of its Future in Action plan, the group aims to become carbon neutral by 2050.
Cemex Mexico president Ricardo Naya said "Hydrogen is a key technology to accelerate the implementation of our climate action roadmap."
The El Financiero newspaper has reported that Cemex set a new group record AF substitution rate of 34% in September 2022. It uses hydrogen at all of its European cement plants and at one plant in the Dominican Republic.
Golden Bay Cement uses 80,000t of waste in EcoSure reduced-CO2 cement production to date
17 October 2022New Zealand: Fletcher Building subsidiary Golden Bay Cement has co-processed 80,000t of waste in production of its EcoSure reduced-CO2 general-purpose cement at its Golden Bay, Whangarei, cement plant. The plant has achieved a coal substitution rate of 50%. It has processed various waste streams, including 3 million used tyres. EcoSure cement generates CO2 emissions of 699kg/t of product, 20% less than its imported alternatives, according to Golden Bay Cement. Fletcher building CEO Nick Traber said that this figure is 'simply our starting point.' The company's next target is to achieve a 30% CO2 reduction by 2030.
Traber said "We needed to think outside the box, or rather the cement bag, to be more precise. The challenge was around what enhancements we could make to our manufacturing processes at our Golden Bay cement works in to improve the plant's sustainability. We quickly realised that consuming used tyres and wood waste as alternative fuels was a win-win. When we started with the idea in 2015, we were aiming to replace 15% of coal with end-of-life tyres. Fast forward to 2022, and our rate of coal substitution is now at 50%, which has obviously delivered further reductions in carbon emissions, as well as helping to offset increased coal costs."
National Cement Company of Alabama’s Ragland cement plant upgrade to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%
25 July 2022US: National Cement Company of Alabama has reported that the new kiln line at its Ragland cement plant will reduce the plant’s CO2 emissions by 40%. Its energy consumption will also fall by 30% as a result of the upgrade. The new line includes a 78m-high homogenisation silo, vertical crusher, five-stage preheater and automated clay storage system. AF used in the kiln will include waste tyres, woodchip and sawdust. The new kiln will help in the Ragland cement plant’s transition to 100% Portland limestone cement (PLC) production by 2023, further diminishing its carbon footprint.
Vicat CEO Guy Sidos said "Our ambition is to use AF in all our cement plants around the world. In addition to eliminating fossil fuel energy and replacing it with recycled regional waste, our investments contribute directly to local development. We are proud of the modernisation and transformation of our Ragland site, which was our very first acquisition outside France in 1974."
Mexico: Cemex reported 29% alternative fuel (AF) substitution in its global operations in 2021, according to its Integrated Report for the year. The report stated that the group reduced its CO2 emissions per tonne of cementitious material by 4.7% year-on-year.
Taiwan Cement commences construction of waste processing plant and ecopark at Hualien cement plant
07 October 2021Taiwan: Taiwan Cement has commenced the construction of a US$143m waste processing plant and ecopark at its 1.6Mt/yr Hualien cement plant. Japan-based Kawasaki Heavy Industries provided the design for the facility and visitor attraction. When commissioned, the plant will supply the Hualien cement plant with 200t/day of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) produced from municipal solid waste from Hualien. Taiwan Cement estimates that the move will eliminate 40,000t/yr of CO2 emissions from the plant’s operations.
Holcim Russia envisions 15% emissions reduction by 2030 and carbon neutral cement production by 2050
05 October 2021Russia: Holcim Russia has committed to realising a 15% CO2 emissions reduction in its cement production between 2019 and 2030 to 475kg/t from 561kg/t. It plans to further reduce its cement’s CO2 emissions to 453kg/t by 2050, and to implement further measures to ensure its net carbon neutrality at that time.
Corporate relations director Vitaly Bogachenko said “The company's goal is to drastically reduce carbon emissions, and there are two working solutions for this. The first is the use of alternative fuels (AF) obtained from different types of waste: residues of municipal solid waste after sorting and extraction of all useful fractions from them, used tyres and others. The presence of biomass in them makes such fuels carbon neutral, so emissions during production are significantly reduced. The second solution is to replace carbon-intensive raw materials. For example, instead of limestone, we use slags. The recipe for the cement is completely different - thanks to the new composition and the lower temperature during the firing process, the carbon footprint in the production of cement is reduced.”
Hanson and the Mineral Product Association complete hydrogen-fuelled cement production trial
30 September 2021UK: The Mineral Products Association (MPA) has announced the successful completion of a trial of cement production using a net-zero fuel mix consisting of hydrogen and refuse-derived fuel (RDF) at Hanson’s Ribblesdale, Lancashire, cement plant. The RDF in the mix consists of meat and bone meal (MBM) from the food industry and glycerol from biodiesel production.
Increased alternative fuel (AF) substitution is one of seven key levers in the MPA’s Roadmap Beyond Net Zero emissions reduction strategy. The association says that the fuel will eliminate 180,000t/yr of CO2 emissions from the Ribblesdale plant’s operations when fully implemented. The project received Euro3.71m in government funding.
Hanson’s environmental sustainability manager Iain Walpole said “We are delighted to be involved with this world-leading project, which is a further example of our commitment to cutting CO2 emissions.” He added “It will also contribute to our ambition of supplying net zero carbon concrete by 2050.”