Displaying items by tag: Slovenia
Slovenia: Parliament has voted in favour of legislation requiring limit values for the co-processing of waste, including as alternative fuel (AF) in cement production. The government will now define the limit values based on best available technology standards for incineration. Following the enactment, facilities which co-process waste will have four years in which to comply. Slovenia Times News has reported that the bill came about following campaigning by environmentalist group Eco Anhovo and allied non-governmental organisations. The groups protested against the way AF is used at Salonit Anhovo’s 1Mt/yr Anhovo cement plant in Nova Gorica Municipality.
Salonit Anhovo chair Tomaž Vuk said “To protect more than 800 direct and indirect jobs and the interests of us and our business partners, we will use all means to provide for further development and business operations.”
Salonit Anhovo presented with sustainability award by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
13 July 2017Slovenia: Salonit Anhovo has won a bronze European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Sustainable Energy Award for progress in the use of non-hazardous solid recovered waste in its energy mix. The cement producer is increasing its alternative fuels substitution rate to over 75% from 60%. This will allow its plant to achieve a carbon emission intensity factor of 0.737kg CO2/kg clinker, which is below the relevant European Union (EU) benchmark.
The EBRB also said that Salonit Anhovo presently operates at levels expected for the industry for 2025 in terms of specific heat consumption and for 2030 in terms of clinker ratio in cement and specific CO2 emissions. The bank supported the company with a Euro15m loan in December 2016.
“We are very pleased to recognise Salonit Anhovo’s foray into alternative fuels with this award. This is an excellent example of how an innovative, tailor-made solution can benefit both finances and the environment. This investment will bring significant cost savings, contribute to the operational restructuring and support the resource efficiency of Salonit Anhovo by increasing the use of alternative fuel in the energy mix,” said EBRD director Dariusz Prasek.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development grants Salonit Euro15m loan towards alternative fuels improvemen
14 December 2016Slovenia: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has awarded Salonit Anhovo (Salonit) a Euro15m loan to be used for energy and resource efficiency improvements and to restructure the company’s balance sheet. The building materials producer has a substitution rate of 64% for alternative fuels at its Anhovo cement plant. The EBRD loan will be invested to increase this ratio further to improve the company’s profitability and reduce CO2 emissions. A precondition for increasing the ratio of alternative fuels is the installation of state-of-the-art equipment. The investment will also have a beneficial effect on operational costs, which are expected to decline thanks to the adjusted fuel ratios.